Is my Amazon sword gonna die!!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
May 10, 2014
Was moving my amazon sword to a different tank and almost all the roots fell off still a few left but it had a huge root system and it just fell off! ))):

Here's what fell off

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It fell off or you ripped it off? Lol it'll be fine I move mine from my 10 gal to my 28 all the time after they grow taller

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I dug it up all roots exposed and picked it up out of the water and it didnt fall off till I was 5 feet away from the tank it was it... so I guess I might of ripped it off but I dont think so I knew it had a large root system so I was being careful maybe it was to heavy anyway thanks!

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It should be okay as long as it has a few more. If some leaves die, don't worry. It is probably just downsizing. Ha, economy reference.

Hope he/she/it recovers well. - Raymond
Very little left but yes it still has roots

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