Is my Goldfish Pregnant?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 13, 2011
Hey guys,

Just wanted to know if you guys could verify if my goldfish is pregnant.
Recently shes gotten really really fat, abnormally fat compared to her original size (pics below of her) and i wanted to know if this was her being pregnant. The other male fish was chasing her and bumping into her which ive heard it mating behaviour.

Im unsure though because she was loosing her balance the otherday so i put her in a tank by herself and waited a day and gave her a pea, she seems fine now other than her head seems to weigh her down abit? But i dont know if she was so unbalanced because she might of been constipated or if shes pregnant or even if shes just exhausted.

I trust in you fellow fish friends that you can help me out and identify whats going on here.

Ps. She is by herself at the moment, should i put the male with her?
Also does she look healthy to you guys?
Female is like 6 years old whereas the male is 2-3years old (mating ages ive read)
She does do alot of sitting too.






  • ForumRunner_20131013_124453.jpg
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How would I go about fixing this? I have gave her laxatives such as peas etc and she is still showing signs of waste, she also seems happy but if there is any kind of disease I would like to get rid.

When she poops, is it "balloony"? Is it clear or the color of her food? Does she ever seem to bob in the water or have trouble staying off the bottom? If you have a heater available you could try raising the water temp up to 80 or so for a few days, her digestive system will work faster in higher temperature. If a combination of warmth and peas doesn't help then it's beyond what I know to fix so hopefully someone more experienced will help
It is the colour of her food, it was green when I was feeding her veg and I havent seen if ever be see-through. She sits on the bottom but she also swims around the tank if she wants too, it doesnt look like any kind of struggle.
Ill just keep with salt baths and veg too keep her digestive system running as it should be and hopefully she will then loose her size (if she isnt 'eggy')

Thanks for your advice
If she's eggy then eventually she should drop them and go back to normal. Wouldn't recommend breeding her unless you have a pond available, goldfish fry take a LOT of water to raise.
How would I go about making her not lay eggs? Or do you mean give her to an owner with a pond for the time being?

By the way do you know how long they hold there eggs for? Like weeks/months?
Unless she's fertilised she should just drop inert eggs that you just dispose of. If she drops live eggs you can do the same, it'll just feel bad doing so.
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