Is my guppy sick or just lazy??

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 17, 2013
I have a 215L freshwater planted fishtank with congos, neons, glowlights, rummynoses, live-bearers, coreys and a bristlenose. Been set up about a year to year and a half, ammonia and nitrite 0, pH: 7.4ish , temp: 26C . I have had one male guppy for a while and recently decided to get him some friends, so about a week ago I got another male and a female, and today I got 2 more females. Females are all doing well, and so is my old male, but I noticed yesterday that the new male guppy has taken to sometmies just sitting on the gravel at the bottom of the tank. He does it for sometimes 5 minutes and then just starts swimming around like a perfectly normal fish again. He is eating fine and looks healthy, but I was just wondering what this means... because I've never seen a guppy do that before.
Oh yeah, and I acclimated them by floating bag on top of water for 15 minutes, then adding a cup of water over 5 minute intervals for another 15 minutes.
Personally, I think he's probably just lazy. It's possible he's sick, but it doesn't seem like that's the issue here.
Is he otherwise pretty perky?
Yeah I think he is just lazy lol, he has become more active since he has settled into the tank and he only rests on the bottom very occasionally :)
Hello Leah...

Guppies are most comfortable with floating plants in the tank. Get some stems of Anacharis (Common water weed) and separate the stems and drop those into the tank. Guppies like hiding places, so they can get away from other species. Most fish will nip the male Guppy's tail. So, watch for bullies that do this. You really don't need to buy males. Your female Guppies will produce fry every month or so and you'll have plenty of males then. You'll want to decide what to do with all of them.

If you're not changing out half your tank water at least every couple of weeks, you should consider it. Large, frequent water changes will keep your tank healthy.

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