Is My Lobster ill

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 16, 2005
I have a rio 400 with cicliids.I introduced a Red Claw Lobster about 1 year a go.Thay have all lived together fine and had no problems at all(a whicked addiction to the tank).She has shed once in the time since i have had her.I did not see this happen only found her shed a few days later.However this week i had a strip down of my tank and removed all of my furniture from the tank.I could now see the lob quite easily(as usual thay hide). she has been acting VERY weird laying on her side a looking like though see is going to the see great fish doctor in the sky, but when i feed the tank belive me she is nowhere near dying. She defend herself good too ! What do you think ? shedding again ?
My Parameters are absolulty fine and touch wood have been for a good 6-9 months. My filtration is an external fluval 404 which does a great job.ihave about 20-25 cycloids.Im one of the fortunate ones who has his maintance down to a tee.ive added nothing new in the last 4 months.I have always feed them a mix of flake and frozen

So to be honest im quite stuck to know what the hell is going on.

Any lobster experts out there ? would love to get help anyway i can ?

By the way guys cool forum,only just joined and this is my first post so be gentle :D
Welcome to AA. I honestly don't know a thing about keeping lobsters, just wanted to welcome you to the board.
Welcome to AA, londonersteve :smilecolros: :smilecolros:

Usually responses here are quick and plentiful. I just think everybody was watching baseball or football this weekend. :wink:

You may already know that FW lobsters are actually crayfish. As they grow, they molt a few times a year until they reach adulthood. I've noticed that they become very lethargic immediately before a molt. Hopefully, that's what your cray is doing. FYI, crays prefer cooler temps and require well aerated water. I would recommend adding an airstone to help keep the water oxygenated.

I'm quite surprised that your cichlids haven't made a meal of your crayfish. Usually, crays and fish don't mix - one eats the other. In your case, you probably have so many cichlids that they're too busy being aggressive toward each other. Also, lots of hiding places made it possible for the cray to evade the fish by day. Interesting.

I would replace the 'tank furniture' so the cray has a place to hide - this is particularly important if it's going to molt.

Sad to say, molting is a risky procedure. Sometimes things just go wrong - I lost both of my crays during molts. I hope yours molts successfully.
Thanks for all your help guys,most welcomed :D :D :D added some more oxygen into the tank created lots of nice hiding places for the cray and doing quite well :wink: still very reserved and acting very slow but still ALIVE and feeding ok .MUST be molting im sure.anybody got a male cray i fancy being a father again after 11 years(maybe not) anyway ill keep you posted to what is happening guys.again Thanks :D Steve :D
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