Is my molly pregnant? Look at these pics

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 18, 2012
My female molly molly looks pretty fat and it has a few black spots on her...


Ya she is ... Make sure u move her before she has them or other mollies will eat the fry and after she is done having the remove her from them cause she will eat them
Your molly is very preggo, id say she has a few more days to go. If you want to save the fry , add a lot of bushy plants in a corner or buy a breeders box/net and put her into it when she is birthing. The fry will eat crushed adult fish food.
She has looked like that for a long time! Is she pregnant all the time?
Should i put her in my net breeder in a few days?
Well is there a male in the tank with her? If she has been like that for awhile then she might be full of unfertilized eggs.
Yes... So true..
And i also have a female silve molly , she is just as fat as that molly but there is no dark spots on her...
So there is a male in the tank? Whats the male to female ratio? If the male spends all the time with the female he might harass and stress her out, also sometimes moving the fish will stress her out and cause her to abort her pregnancy. She is pretty boxed though but if you say she has been like this for a long time I don't know. Did you just feed them?
Well the dark spots will usually appear around the anal fin. Its called a gravid spot, and sometimes you can see the eyes of each fry. Its awesome when you do see them.
Shes pregnant , she looks quite far through it though maybe at the most another two weeks to go ?? :)
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