is Protein skimmer doing its job??

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Da sundance kid

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 8, 2011
I just set up a 76gal tank oceanic bowfront about three weeks ago and most of my live rock and live sand and sail fin tang came from my 50 gal which had a back pack protein skimmer. My new set up has a a sump and a bigger protein skimmer which is inside the sump, I noticed the protein skimmer (although working) is not creating the foam that the back pack used to create. Is this normal due to the fact that is a new set up and about 60% percent of the water is new. I have no corrals not yet! Still waiting , 1 sail fin tang and six damselfish been in there for about a week they look happy and healthy but I'm concerned that my protein skimmer might not be doing it's job. Parameters are nitrites 0, nitrates 40 ppm. Ph 8.0 Please advise
If the skimmer was new it takes a while for them to break in
+1 It does take some time for a new skimmer to break in. You may also want to check that it is at the correct height in the water as that will make a difference too.
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