Is the tank Cycled now?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 25, 2008
Cumbria, UK
Hi All
I started cycling my tank on 04/06/08
Everything went as it should and I think that the process is complete but I would just like someone else to confirm this for me.
Each morning I bring the ammonia back up to 4 or 5 ppm.
For the last couple of days things have been going like this:
12 hours after adding the ammonia the ammonia reading is between .25 and .5ppm and the NitrIte reading is at 1ppm.
The next morning just before I add more ammonia the readings are both zero.
Am I cycled yet?
Please let me have your thoughts.
Yeah sounds like it to me. Just keep adding ammonia till like a day before you get some fish. Then do a large water change and make sure nitrates are low and you should be good to go.
Thankyou for that.
Unless anyone else has anything to add then I will assume that my tank is officially cycled and the little fishies can have a new house.
We thought that White cloud mountain minnows would be a good start.
This first tank is only a 3 gallon so it does not have a lot of water to absorb any mistakes and I understand the white clouds are a very hardy fish and good for beginners.
We have also just started cycling a 33 gallon tank which will give us far more options.
This will be a community tank. We like smaller fish similar in size to the White cloud.
Any suggestions would be welcomed.
I like the white clouds. I was planning on adding those to my 10g tank once I get everything set up again. When I had those and zebra danios in there, it was a super active and fun to watch tank.
Thats about what I thought. Thanks for confirming it.
My local fish shop tried to tell me that 10 - 12 would be fine, the other day.
I just agreed and left the shop.
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