Is this a disease!? :(

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 4, 2004
Scotland, UK
Everyone in my tank is getting along fine now and I'm very pleased, but I've noticed something on my male Siamese Fighter. I don't think it's white spot but I'm not sure so I need your help. It's like only 3 or 4 little tiny bits - almost like dandruff to be honest, on his long flowing tail. Nothing is on his scales/body etc, just a few scattered against the tail, can this be a disease if it's not right on his body?

I'm not sure but a few may have disappeared after he started swimming into a strong current and bubbles but I can't be sure as I say. I may have spotted a couple on my female black molly on his body this time though near his head. What would I do if it is a disease?

I have 12 neon tetras, 2 black mollies, 1 balloon molly, 2 guppies and 1 siamese fighter.

Also, is 10ppm Nitrate an alright level for fish to be around just before I do my weekly water change?

10ppm nitrate is a fabulous level - most shoot for under 40ppm.

It sounds like ich to me, in which case I would treat with heat and salt. The mollies (IMO) are going to tend to get illness like ich and whatnot without salt in their water anyway, but there are definitely others who would disagree - this is just in my experience keeping them with and without.

There is a handy article here at AA about treating for ich with high temps and I have found it to work very well.

Good luck, and don't wait to treat, if you suspect it is ich, go ahead and initiate treatment, as it will work better the sooner you get on top of it.
Ah right, I don't want anyone to die! :( Won't the salt affect the other fish I have? I had a quick read of the article. Should I look for any type of medicine when in the LFS tomorrow?
Ah right, I don't want anyone to die! Won't the salt affect the other fish I have? I had a quick read of the article.
The fish you mentioned will be fine.
I have used the heat and salt method with rams, a betta, pygmy cories, a pleco and there was a plant in there--everyone survived. I ran the treatment for 4 weeks.
Ah right, well I've got 6 plants in there, what happens with the plants? Is there a certain type of salt I have to buy form the LSF tomorrow? Epsom is it or something?
Get aquarium salt, Aquarium Pharmaceuticals sells it here, don't know about where you are.

The plants won't particularly care for salt or heat, but after the treatment is over they will bounce back. I've done this in planted tanks and none of the plants died.

I've also used Rid-Ich, like Fawn mentioned, and the regular dose is lower than your typical ich medication. It does work but it will stain your silicone and some decorations.
My sympathies gmac...I'm currently treating ich right now. A good way to know if it's ich is you should see what appears to be "tons" of white dust floating around the tank. Good luck in your treatment. The recommendations posted are working for me!
I treated my ich with temperature only, and it was not very kind to my tiger lilly. In my experience, anything that will kill ich (salt, temp, or meds) will hurt your plants too. - But like tankgirl said they should spring back.
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