Is this a good alternative to a R/O unit

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it is a DI unit.. Ive always wondered how well they did.. Im guessing you would have to have one to test the results.. anyone out there ever had one of these and tested the output water?? good question by the way joedarat it is not going to do the job of a RO unit but I cant say how well it does..
e-bay has nice looking RO units for under 70 bucks though.. if you really need an RO unit I would start there.. :D
suspect it works on the same principles, but I don't know the out put. RO units usually have a gph type output or something along those lines so you know howmuch water you can purify a day. I also don't know how long it would last, it doesn't seem as robust as permanent RO systems.....

This sin't really my area, but thought I'd add my $0.02
I read about this product some time ago.. I think it was when it was put out on the market actually.. they were advertising its deionazation ability and that you could "recharge" the resin by putting it in a marine saltwater bath, so it seems to be the same stuff of the bigger systems.. so the DI works like the di of bigger systems.. and just DI without RO is alot faster filtration process.. I just dont know how good there resin on this system is and how well it works considering how fast it is flowing through it.. im assuming since its hooked up to the faucet that it moves water through it pretty quick for that small amount of DI resin.
From what I understand a DI unit by itself does not remove the minerals and other things out of the water that an RO system does. In more expensive RO units, there is a 4th or 5th stage of filtration which is the DI stage. DI is used mostly for saltwater tanks. On this site if you check the 3rd system down you will see that it has a DI unit as the 4th stage of filtration.

By itself, I don't think a DI unit will give you much of what one looks for in a RO system.
"Process that serves to remove all ionized substances from a solution. Most commonly is the exchange process where cations and anions are removed independently of each other."

the process is to remove charged ionic particals from water..
RO is a super fine filter that forces almost everything out of the water..
RO is more effective but if it's just for SW wich its not by the way then why is it the last stage of the RO/DI? I was assuming it removes medals since they would be have a ionic charge..
as I said before.. you can get RO/DI system on ebay for a little more and have the real deal..
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