Is this a 'pest snail'

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 23, 2012
Western, KY
Is this guy a pest snail? I'm leaning towards yes, and have discovered a few in my tank. They're coming off my live plants I've been buying.


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I have one of those and mine too, came off of some plants I got. Most consider these pest snails and I think this one is a pond snail.

Your call on what to do with it. ;)
I have those too, they also came off of a plant I had purchased, I found if you keep the light off at night than after about an hour turn it on and you can see all of them. Fortunately my gold barbs ate them all, I still have 1 or 2, but they are doing well because I have sand in the bottom of my tank and some algae so they clean up a lot. They also eat the dead plant leaves. Its hard to tell but they do some good if they are not overloaded.
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