Is this an oto?

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Aug 7, 2013
One of my otos looks different then my other otos. Also he goes after and guards shrimp pellets. He even seemed to go after a zebra loach who wanted the pellet. Thought otos were. 100 percent herbivore. Could he be another species ? ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1387606924.050452.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1387606945.994838.jpg
Could be a flying fox or a Chinese Algae eater. It's hard to tell by the picture but I know otto's seem to get confused with both.
One of my otos looks different then my other otos. Also he goes after and guards shrimp pellets. He even seemed to go after a zebra loach who wanted the pellet. Thought otos were. 100 percent herbivore. Could he be another species ?

100% an otto. He may be starved they usually are from the store.
Had him for awhile. Just funny watching him guard the shrimp pellet.
There are about 6 or more subspecies of Otos. Look on Planet catfish for the differences.

Mine did eat other things besides Veggies. Mine love Shrimp food.

Just like Cories will eat Algae wafers.
I agree with the ID of oto based on those pictures. It sounds like this one has just managed to grow a backbone.

Good on him.
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