Is this any good?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 30, 2012
Found this Aqueon 29g deluxe kit for $79 and was wondering if it is any good. I plan on having 2 Fancies inside. It will be a bare bottom tank with the exception of a few large stones. I will also pick up a test kit, python, and an airstone.
Depends on what filter comes with it. Kits usually have under-rated filters. You will need something that turns over atleast 300gph. You can probably accomplish this by adding another decent HOB to the present one. If you want a more finished looking tank vs bare-bottomed, pool filter sand is a cheap & easy option to consider.
Thank you jlk. I will purchase second HOB filter and airstone and review the steps on how to cycle my tank one more time.
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