Is this bubble an egg sack?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 30, 2014
Okay, strange happenings in our 10 gallon aquarium in the last month. We have a Red Platy (acquired on May 14), a fancy guppy (acquired on May 30) and two Otto catfish (acquired June 5). On July 30, we found two babies that were clearly Platy fry. We have them in a breeding box until they are large enough to be with the other fish. Three or four days after discovering the fry, the Platy began hanging around the bottom, hiding in the log or the barrel. She would come out at feeding time but hid otherwise. The fancy guppy, who appears to be male, has been developing a black spot. The black spot comes and goes - darker when the Platy is hiding, disappearing when they are together. Tonight, we discovered this "bubble" in the barrel. What is it? Is it eggs? Platties are live barrers, correct? ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1407636862.937532.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1407636888.876693.jpg I've attached a photo of the "bubble".

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We don't have an air stone.

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Okay, i thought the bits of white in the background of those photos was bubbles. All I know is that none of your tank inhabitants make egg sacs.
Did you tip that ornament upside down when you put it in the tank? To allow excess air to escape?

Also if not please do and release it. Tanks often accumulate gas in substrate or decorations and it's harmful to the fish...
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