Is this Ich or something else?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 2, 2020
I have a freshwater livebearer 46 gallon tank. The water is fine, and I do weekly 20% water changes. About a month ago I noticed that two of my three painted glass tetras have white spots like you see in the picture. I wasn't sure what it was (new tank owner here) so I didn't do anything. About 2 weeks ago, I did some googling and saw maybe it was ich so I added 1 tbs aquarium salt/three gallons of water. Today, the same fish have the same raised spots (there is on on this fin that looks like a really angry pimple it is so large). There are NO other fish in the tank with ANY spots.


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Doesn’t sound like it from the time span - any flashing at all?

Sometimes can get pimples which have a centre parasite (not as aggressively spreading as white spot) or bacterial infection.
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