Is this normal for orandas?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 6, 2011
South Texas
My new (first) oranda is eating like a pig, but I noticed a tiny ultra shiny spot between his tail and his dorsal fin... I'm not sure if it is just the light or some issue getting ready to rear its ugly head... or am I being a worrywort?? He is a white/silver color with a lovely orange wen, and is about 2" long. It is a cycled 29 gal tank, unheated with filtration, plus one fancy goldfish (1.5 inches), two ghost shrimp and a tiny pleco (1").
I was told at the fish store that I don't need a heater for this tank because even in the winter, the house temperature only goes to 65 degrees and in the summer the a/c keeps the house at 80 degrees.... do I need a tank cooler?? for the summer?? LOLOL
Thanks for any help on this....
Your guys will be fine in both the winter & summer-no heater or chiller needed! I dont know exactly what you are talking about (spot)- could you possibly get a pic? Did he have it when you bought him? Cycled (or not) make sure you keep an eye on his tank/water parameters over the next few weeks. You just gave your bioload a big jump with the new fish & the bb will have to catch up. Make sure you keep your nitrates as low as possible- they can be very irritating to the delicate tissue on his wen. Good luck with your new oranda!
It was worth my life to get this shot... not sure it shows all that well... the little hambone already likes having his pix taken apparently... and since I feed him by hand underwater all I kept getting was his face... lol... I can't tell if this is just a reflection (circled) from his scales where his body starts to flare to his tail fin or if there is some imperfection in the scale pattern... He is such a lively swimmer it is hard to to focus on it.....
Thanks! Honestly, from the pic, it looks like a reflection off of his scales. There are similar reflective spots on his head near his wen in this pic too. I wouldnt be too concerned unless there is some change thats concerning(spot darkens/changes color, scales start to stick out or fall off, he stops eating, or the spots spread etc). He is cute!!!
Thank you... my fancy goldfish likes him too... they seem to "hang out" together... the fancy is white and gold and black and I got him first to help condition the tank. I made sure he had the same fantail fin pattern since I had been told that different kinds of goldfish sometimes don't get along... lol... what do I know... I'm just a newbie... lol
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