ISO Plants:

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 13, 2006
Riccia Flutans
Red Rooted floaters
water lettuce
fairy moss
limnophylia aromatica
anubias nana petit
crypto spiralis
pygmy crypt
Limnophila sessiliflora
Cryptocoryne crispatula
madagascar lace
ozelot sword
red melon sword
tonina belem

what i can trade:

ludwigia brevips
rotala indica
cuban chain leaf
sunset hygro
java moss
I have a couple of those but it's so darn cold up here I don't think anything will make it in the mail! Once the weather gets better I'd be more than willing to send you some clippings!
i have a few of those plants... i live in canada though, and it might be a little expensive for shipping.

PM me if you want:
Limnophila sessiliflora

I also have a nice little Echinodorus 'Rosé' you can have, it is like red melon sword but with pinkish leaves.

If you are willing to pay for shipping you can have the plants...

BTW, it is very cold up here... so don't count on them until the weather warms up :p
totally willing to pay shipping. Just let me know when the weather is right, and shoot me a PM
WaterPond, a little hint about shipping plants stateside. Mark the package as "Used Aquarium Decorations" Little deceptive, but delays most holdups at the border.. I shipped some crypt's and HC out to Washington (I'm just up the road from you in Hamilton) and they made it there in good time with just regular parcel service (still cost ~ 20$)
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