Issue? Or Not?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 20, 2011
Oxford, OH
I have a 55 gallon tank that I'm making a South American tank. I want to put in like 8-10 corydoras, 7-9 of 2 tetras, 2 bolivian rams or german blue rams (haven't decided yet), and maybe some endlers... This is where I get scared:eek: and confused:confused:. I've read that endlers could go with the rams and I've read that they can't. Are endlers that mean and nippy or are the people that have written this stuff mistaking a different fish for the endlers? I would love to have them together, but I'm scared for the rams! I don't have the fish yet but I don't want to buy them and have chaos. Thanks:thanks:
I don't believe it should be a problem. IMO endlers seem to be nice fishies, I don't see why they can't go with rams. Maybe it's because rams will eat the endlers.
No it said that try would only the fry and that the Endler's would harm the rams! I think that the Endler's would be capable of that.
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