It Has Come To My Attention, That I Have 30ish Cory Eggs!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Sep 26, 2012
Butte, Montana
So, it has come to my attention, that I have 20-30 FERTILE corydoras eggs, and I'm gonna try to raise them. Assuming I'm not blind as a bat and they were laid shortly before I saw them, yesterday afternoon, and they hatch after 3ish days, I've got 2 days to figure out how to raise them. So, anyone with experience raising cories please chime in. And go from birth-mature please, I've never raised anything but snails before.
They're currently in a 45 long with: 7 rummy nose Tetra, 3 Angelfish, 4 danios, 1 von Rio Tetra, a couple ghost shrimp, 6 cories (obviously). Unless you think they're safe in there, I'm gonna move them to a 5 gallon with a bunch of ghost shrimp and mystery snail babies. All advice is greatly appreciated.
well, you might want to remove the eggs, float them in a seperate container in the tank with an airstone, anything that has a mouth bigger than them will start snacking on them. My bettas eat every single one every time my cories spawn if I dont remove them.

Do you have any way to get some live food? For the first few days they'll survive off their egg sack, but after that you'll want to get some kind of live food thats high in protein, baby brine shrimp or microworms would be great!!

Also, eggs will get fungus on them really easily, airstones will help decrease it, but you might want to get some kind of medication for the container you put the eggs in to prevent fungus from growing on them, then do 50% water changes daily until they hatch so they arent born into too medicated of tank.
I have no means of getting live food, in Alaska, its uncommon. What'd the next best thing be? Powdered flakes?
I have raised some peppered cories before completely on powdered flakes. I did this on complete luck, as i did not know what i was doing. What kind of meds would you put in to prevent fungus?
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