It just shouldn't be true!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 26, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Several times now, I have heard of, or witness things that other fish-keepers do that should (by all accounts) spell disaster yet don't. Often these situations come from fish-keepers who have no clue why they do things a particular way, or the potential ramifications, but what they do appears to work for them against everything you know to be true.

I thought I'd start a thread so we can share these unbelievable situations that make you go "Hmmmmm, if I did that, it's be an unmitigated disaster!"

I'll start.

At my Mum & Dad's there is a super-large aquarium with 4 goldies in it on the veranda. It's a little under 10 foot long and 3 foot wide (I think). the last time Mum did a water change was 1980. She just grabs the hose and "fills er up". Dad puts in Melafix on an irregular regular basis cos "it said on the label it was good for them". Once the rocks get covered in Algae, Mum will take them out, and put them in the garden "where the sun bleaches them". She'll then take the rocks that were swapped out last time from their spot in the garden and puts them straight into the tank. The substrate never gets vaccumed. PWCs are not existent. All this, and the fish don't show signs of any stress are thrive :shocked!: Most are close to 10 years old now.

Mum has also kept fish in the past. One of my first memories are of Angels in that same tank when the tank was in the hallway of the house. I have questioned Mum on her knowledge of fish-keeping. She has no knowledge on cycling, no knowledge on water params and the only testing kit she has ever used is a PH test kit + PH up and down added as required. Yet she claims she's never ever had problems and her fish always seemed very happy and lived for years. She has never had a problem, so she thinks that what she is doing obviously is okay. She appears to be right.

There is a woman at work here in her 60s who keeps 5 goldfish in a 10g tank at home. They've been there for 3 years. She's never tested the tank and feeds them every few days. She's also never touched the filter which from what she says is one of those corner jobbies with carbon and floss with an air tube. "I dont know about any of that" she says when I enquired whether she had heard about potential issues re keeping that many golds in her tank and the importance of water testing. By all accounts these fish should be dead!

Anyone else have any sort of similar story?
My first tank was a ten gallon that housed about 20 comet goldfish. They lived for several months I think, been about 25 years ago though.

My neighbor had a 55g community that he only did once a year water changes on. The fish looked great IIRC.

GlenC here on this forum grows beautiful plants in liquid rock water!

Travis Simonson also here on this site keeps african cichlids in a planted tank!
GlenC here on this forum grows beautiful plants in liquid rock water! Travis Simonson also here on this site keeps African Cichlids in a planted tank!

Given that they know almost everthing that there is to know about this hobby between them, GlenC and Travis Simonson could get away with things like that.
My mum used to have a big circular pond in the middle of her backyard, when we first moved into that house I was about 16, we bought some goldfish and chucked them in there and as we grew up we forgot about them, we never saw them due to the amount of pond weed and plant growth, we filled it up with water from the hose every few months and never really thought about it.
Last year....2007, mum and dad decided they wanted to move the pond out of the centre of the garden over to a corner where it didn't take up as much space. This consisted of pulling the plants out, saving the frogs and tadpoles and getting the water out so we could fill it in. It wasn't until we had emptied everything about 15cm (depth) of water, that we saw a massive goldfish swimming around in the gunk! The thing would have been about 20-25cms long, we could not believe it! After almost 9 years this fish was still alive, fat as anything and massive!!! To my knowledge the fish is now still living happily in the new pond, it just goes to show how the ecological system in backyard ponds look after themselves and regenerate!
My 55 gal used to be planted and the plants were thriving in liquid rock. I didn't know that was such a rarity.

One of my friends has a 10 gal tank at work. They house roughly 30 swordtails in this tank. SHe tops off the tank weekly and does a water change about once every 6 months.

My moms friend has a 55 gal tank at her work and they did water changes about once every 4 or 5 months. They waited till the white rock substrate turned an icky brown. They only had an under gravel filter (which was never maintained). They asked my husband to do tank maintenance on it. He started doing weekly water changes and they thought he was wasting his time. They also only fed once a week.

My brother kept neon tetras with Mbuna. Yeah. I don't know how they survived.
Right after I found AA anf learned about the cycle (and my little lightbulb came on that had explained years of prior fishkeeping)
I was excited and was sharing with my MIL about everything....she said she had never heard of that and swore up and down that her tanks didn't go through a cycle. We went round and round in circles where she just claimed that her water was just so perfect that it didn't need to go though any of that.
She keeps goldfish in a pond in the summer and brings them into a 20 gal tank in the greenhouse in the winter and rarely has any losses. Each time I know the tank is cycling with those fish in it and each time she swears they are just fine. I have to shake my head....
Happy has it. Very hard water with deposits. My water tests at 27 degrees of hardness. I never have to worry about my pH bottoming out as long as I keep up maintenance. I do, however, have to scrape deposits off the tank weekly. We are trying to get rid of all of the air stones because of the deposits that land on the top of the tank. But since we have canisters, we're hesitant. My 55 gal dosn't have an air stone and it's doing quite well, but I'm nervous about attempting removal on the 150.
I was excited and was sharing with my MIL about everything....she said she had never heard of that and swore up and down that her tanks didn't go through a cycle. We went round and round in circles where she just claimed that her water was just so perfect that it didn't need to go though any of that.

Now that sounds familiar! I had a similar round and round in circles conversation with my mother.
My mom has kept around 15 fish.. tetra pleco's, you know that sorta thing in a 20 gallon since i was small. in 1980 they established the tank by putting water in it and throwing fish in it. we have moved 4 times in the last 25 years to my knoledge.. and that is as close to a pwc as that tank has came to LOL. She would put the tank to 1/3 so we could move the tank. when we got it to were it was going, she would fill it up.. and never look back ROFLMAO. she fed them every 3days or so.
My mom has kept around 15 fish.. tetra pleco's, you know that sorta thing in a 20 gallon since i was small. in 1980 they established the tank by putting water in it and throwing fish in it. we have moved 4 times in the last 25 years to my knoledge.. and that is as close to a pwc as that tank has came to LOL. She would put the tank to 1/3 so we could move the tank. when we got it to were it was going, she would fill it up.. and never look back ROFLMAO. she fed them every 3days or so.
She must have had some major anerobic pockets eating up the nitrates...unless she just goes through lots of fish.
My mom had a betta in like a 2gallon vase. She left it at my sisters house when she moved and it didn't get fed for 2months and the water did not get changed It was still alive. My mom finally started to feed it and it lived quite a while after that Until I told her to use Aquasafe to treat the water since she was just using untreated tap then it died.

My Father in law dropped about 20 goldfish in a small backyard pond about 75 gallons or less. He feeds them flake every few days and never changes the water ever. The made it threw a winter in single digit temperatures with just 1 aquarium heater. They are all now over 8 inches He even has a Pleco in their that is thriving. its been 3years now And all is still alive.

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