it's gettin' hot!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 9, 2003
Southern Cali
temp. is 82-how do i get the temp to go down without using a cooler? I've tried freezing a plastic bottle and floating it in the tank. This seems to help, but only one degree. The tank's in a corner....I'm thinking this is why the temp is going up(not enough airflow?).
Yeah, as long as the temp isn't fluctuating too much, I don't think 82 is a concern. But as someone who once had to buy a second window unit just to keep my tank below 90 (that's right, got all the way up to 92 one day with out doing any visible damage), I would suggest fans, fans, and more fans. I had my set up in a corner at that time as well, and if you position a fan to move the air sitting behind the tank, it ought to knock off a few degrees. Also, if you don't mind replenishing the water loss, one of those little clip on fans blowing directly on the surface of your water (either in tank or sump) can drop it another couple of degrees. Keeping the temp constant is MUCH more important than what temp its actually at, though.
I agree, mine gets to about 84* when the lights are on and 82* during lights out...
I know what you mean about hot, got the room dark, the fan going and the air conditioner going, the tank is at 83. What I've done since we also have fans cooling it because of the hot lights, if you have a hood I lift the lid some wedge it so that even more air gets out and cooler air gets in. Just a suggestion. Good to see more Californians getting on this site, it's great!
I have a fan running next to the tank with the stand door open. So far, nothing yet. I'm gonna try lifting the lid and see if that helps

thanks guys for your help! :D
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