It's small, it's funny... but what is it???

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 9, 2003
QC, Canada
I just noticed that little thing in my tank this weekend. As you can see on the picture (in the centre), it's look like a little white flower that come out of my live rock and open like an umbrella. And when I pass by my tank it disapears real fast. It's pretty funny to watch.
There are so many different types of these cool worms. I must have 15 different species in my tank. That stripey one that you have is one of the prettier ones, though :)
Mine just came in on my rock. We have red ones, white, brown, striped, and some that seem to have 2 fans coming out of 1 tube. They are all pretty small and dont'seem to propagate easily, although we do have a large colony of white billowy ones - they sometimes "spawn" together. Haven't noticed 'babies' but I've only had that rock a couple months.

HEre's a pic of the bottom of the colony. some of the worms have gone into their tubes due to the forraging antics of Moto, my scooter blenny. :wink:
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