Its so hot!!!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 19, 2013
western australia
Is anywhere else feeling the heat right now? It was 42 in my workshop today while we were welding I felt like a sweat machine ( that's celcious also )
I'm originally from kalgoorlie about 6 hours away from Perth driving and it's got real bad thunder storms and Andrew I would gladly haha
I'm originally from kalgoorlie about 6 hours away from Perth driving and it's got real bad thunder storms and Andrew I would gladly haha

haha i love thunderstorms :) i live in Minnesota and the weather is pretty hectic all year round. a couple weeks ago it was -26 with a windchill of -60, it was so bad that they cancelled school, statewide!!!
I love winter we always seem to get more rain in summer tho this summer has been different tho

And yes we haven't had much rain up (or down..not sure where you are) here. We desperately need some!! Very dry! Usually after it's been as dry as this we get a big flood through.
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