Its sooo boring...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 4, 2005
Georgetown DC
Hey Everyone,

My fishtank hobby has become quite boring lately. To me, my tank looks fake, everything is such a vibrant color it doesn't even look natural. Which means I've failed to do what I strived for in the beginning, which is a natural-looking tank.

So, I was hoping somebody had some ideas on tank furnishing, and reliable online sources for aquarium plants. I know plants make a tank look more natural, therefore I need some sort of place to get them from. Also, suggestions on low-light plants would be appreciated.

There are many low light plants to choose from. Do you know what your wpg is? Anahcharis is one, Anubias, Java Fern, Java Moss, the list goes on and on. Real plants will definately add to the realism of the tank. Also, driftwood also helps it look natural.
I think my wpg is 30. I have a 55g tank with two 15w bulbs. Is that you know what it is? My hoods can take a maximum of 19w per bulb(or at least reflect it into the tank).

Can someone tell me more about driftwood. Is this something that you guys buy from the pet stores, or go out to streams and such looking for it yourselves? I've seen some the dritwoods in the PetsMart.
if you have a 55 gallon tank and 2 15 watt bulbs, that means you have 30 watts in a 55 gallon tank. 30 divided by 55 is .54 watts per gallon (WPG)

That isn't much to work with. Low light plants usually require around 1wpg (at the minimum?)

What kind of bulbs are they? tube? incandescent?
I went to to upgrade my lighting. They have good prices too!
I have Anahcaris (however it is spelled) and Anubias in the 55 gal tank with .6 watts per gal and they are thriving. Constantly cutting every week. You could start with a simple plant like the Anahcaris and go from there. That stuff can grow in a dark basement. Ok, so that's a little extreme, BUT you get the point.
I grew plants in my 55 when I had the same lighting that came with the tank, 2x15w. I could grow java fern and crypts without difficulty, and (as mentioned) you can also grow Anubias sp. and java moss.

Natural rocks and driftwood, plus natural colored gravel or sand make a tank look more natural. Browse through our gallery and check out how people have aquascaped their tanks to get ideas. You have lots of options with 55gal. :)
I also vote for some low light plants. I didn't even consider it before coming to AA. I had silk,vibrantly colored plants and you're right, it looked fake. I went with some anacharis, java moss, onion plants and pool filter sand for substrate. It has made a huge difference to me and I think the fish appreciate it too!
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