Ittty bitty snail and river gravel

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Feb 11, 2018
Aberdeen scotland
So I have a little tiny [emoji222] in my tank no idea where it came from. But he's just awesome. Pritty sure he's a turbo snail. Can't get a good picture of him. Also is it ok to use river gravel in my tank that I have sterilised ? IMG_20180413_063818.jpg
Most likely your river gravel will be just fine. It's best to use very small grain gravel, as to avoid the accumulation of gunk.
I have collected different sizes of stones from actual rivers and a heap of gravel from the river bed. I'm just wanting to make a section of my tank rocky to allow the fish different hidey holes ect
Ps anyone have any ideas of this snail View attachment 308397
There are too many snail species for me to even guess and it is small. The river you got the gravel and snail from also makes it difficult because different species are indigenous to different locations. I don't know where you are but I live in Delaware. As far as using your own river gravel, it just fine. I've collected my own gravel and sand several times. You sterilized it so good. Where do you think commercial gravel originally comes from?
Well this is a rather good point. I live in Scotland in the UK so I'm a good bit further away from you lol. But they definitely look like turbo snails as they are not flat but quite curly
Well this is a rather good point. I live in Scotland in the UK so I'm a good bit further away from you lol. But they definitely look like turbo snails as they are not flat but quite curly
No matter the species, snails are fun in a tank. It's cool to watch their little tongues when the graze along the glass. Enjoy.
No matter the species, snails are fun in a tank. It's cool to watch their little tongues when the graze along the glass. Enjoy.
Oh yeah that's a very valid point. I love them but how long do they take to grow as they are tiny but amazing
I think it's more fun to watch a Botia Loach or mean little Cichlid eat snails. Lol.
I think it's more fun to watch a Botia Loach or mean little Cichlid eat snails. Lol.
I have three horse face loaches that seam to eat anything they can fit in there mouth. Dunno why my snails ain't gone yet. Once I'm ready to get another tank I'm gonna get cichlids
I have three horse face loaches that seam to eat anything they can fit in there mouth. Dunno why my snails ain't gone yet. Once I'm ready to get another tank I'm gonna get cichlids
I love cichlids. I personally prefer the South Americans over the African types, but like them too. I currently have Angels, but I had and bred both Discus and Convicts in the past. Whether you go with African or South American Cichlids, they all have great personalities and most spawn readily in a tank...especially Convicts.
I love cichlids. I personally prefer the South Americans over the African types, but like them too. I currently have Angels, but I had and bred both Discus and Convicts in the past. Whether you go with African or South American Cichlids, they all have great personalities and most spawn readily in a tank...especially Convicts.
In my tank currently I have two beautiful pearl gouramis, swordtails and neons with horse face loaches, two vampire shrimp and some guppies too just for colour and everyone gets along swimmingly lol. Oh and I have my two new random snails. I really want some funky fish but need to see about another tank sometime but happy at the moment
Oh yeah that's a very valid point. I love them but how long do they take to grow as they are tiny but amazing
Most snails tend to add about 1/4 of their size ever six months depending on the species. You could actually have a pygmy species that won't get a lot bigger. I don't know your species, so only time will tell.
I love cichlids. I personally prefer the South Americans over the African types, but like them too. I currently have Angels, but I had and bred both Discus and Convicts in the past. Whether you go with African or South American Cichlids, they all have great personalities and most spawn readily in a tank...especially Convicts.
In my tank currently I have two beautiful pearl gouramis, swordtails and neons with horse face loaches, two vampire shrimp and some guppies too just for colour and everyone gets along swimmingly lol. Oh and I have my two new random snails. I really want some funky fish but need to see about another tank sometime but happy at the moment
I've had as many as 8 tanks in my home at one time. I got to the point where I had so much maintenance to do that I couldn't enjoy the hobby as it was meant to be. I now only have a 55 gallon with 4 Angels, 1 red male betta, 4 pygmy corys, and 5 redeye tetras. I'm on a bus now to go get them some live brine shrimp. I may just go ahead and pick up another angel.
Most snails tend to add about 1/4 of their size ever six months depending on the species. You could actually have a pygmy species that won't get a lot bigger. I don't know your species, so only time will tell.
Yeah they are little but one is bigger than other but look awesome so far
I've had as many as 8 tanks in my home at one time. I got to the point where I had so much maintenance to do that I couldn't enjoy the hobby as it was meant to be. I now only have a 55 gallon with 4 Angels, 1 red male betta, 4 pygmy corys, and 5 redeye tetras. I'm on a bus now to go get them some live brine shrimp. I may just go ahead and pick up another angel.
I have a 200litre bow front with just a RGB led light. Im looking getting a 75litre tank for having just some other fish in but no sure yet as it's alot of work to do. I'm getting a water change every 7 days but I have a 600litre EF Which helps alot ,as did have internal filter which was [emoji90]
Well if there is an overpopulation I will just have to sell them or turn them into food for my mates tanks
Well if there is an overpopulation I will just have to sell them or turn them into food for my mates tanks
Unlike baby hand fed baby birds, snails can also be released back into the wild. They don't have to be taught how to graze. Lol. I'm waiting at the bus stop now to go home. I just bought some live brine shrimp for my adult Angels and I bought 2 more blonde baby angels about the size of your thumbnail.
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