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Aquarium Advice FINatic
May 16, 2005
So as most know i have my bettas and 10 gallon

My g/f works for Petsmart and someone brought in these two beautiful bettas and they were so red because the ammonia in the water was burning their scales, so of course i took them...i changed the water and put them in the 1/2 gallon things they were in and fed them and hoped for the best

They have been getting much better and i couldnt resist to buy a new 2 gallon for one of the bettas and a 1 gallon bowl (temporarily) and i love it and so do the bettas i will get pics and i will plant the 2 gallon and get a small background

I cant wait to have my own house and have a mass population of tanks of all sizes :D
mr86mister said:

I cant wait to have my own house and have a mass population of tanks of all sizes :D

Just be sure to pick a spouse with the same lofty ambitions :lol:
I have a feeling your house will look like Toirtis's house. Tanks in the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms.........That's what I want anyways...... :oops:
It's possible only if your lfs has a very small selection of fish. We weren't too bad until we went to REAL fish stores and saw that there are SO many different types of fish out there that we would love to keep. That's when it hit.
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