Ive got an assortment of cichlids.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 2, 2012
Male johanni?


If so what does the female look like?

I apologize, everyone, for my ignorance but the Petsmart guy seems to have blown smoke up my "vent". I'd just like to set the record straight starting with my second favorite fish
I got this guy at Petsmart last week and he was mixed in with about 10 other fish that looked exactly like him same black lines but the others were yellow.. No trace of blue. The salesman told he that he was just a rare color morph. Then I went to a family owned pet store where the fish specialist told me he was simply male and that Petsmart rarely gets them in because they are more expensive
i dont keep that fish soo i dont kmow a lot about it. If the ones are showing black lines they may be still turning to males or you have them confussed with electric yellows
Mainganos and Johannis look very similar. I would hazard to say that you have a Johanni, im not sure if Petco get Mainganos in on a regular basis, but you never know. Good luck either way.
Imo you have a maingano just because of the fact that that is what most chain stores get in. That is why no matter what size their "johanni" tanks are always solid blue without any juveniles or females that should be yellow/orange. If he was 2" or under and blue then most likely not a johanni. All my johanni from josh Davis at livefishdirect.com didn't even show signs of coloring up until 3-3.5".
Do Maingano females have the same pattern of black, and where my Maingano has blue the females have yellow?
Mainganos are all blue johannis females and juvies are yellow. You can't sex mainganos without venting or seeing them.breed
Maingano females have the same markings as the males. The only differences from my experience is the female is not as bright and the anal fin is shorter. I've never seen any females mainganos with any yellow. Ps. Saulosi males are blue barred and the females are yellow. That's the closet thing I can think of in that species. I'm sorry that may not be of much help, maybe somebody else may have some input. Let me know what you find out.
I'm confused so if my fish was in a tank with yellow fish that had the same markings as him then they are all Johannis they just haven't gotten there blue color yet or they are female johanni.. Correct me if I'm way off:)?
teflon843 said:
Maingano females have the same markings as the males. The only differences from my experience is the female is not as bright and the anal fin is shorter. I've never seen any females mainganos with any yellow. Ps. Saulosi males are blue barred and the females are yellow. That's the closet thing I can think of in that species. I'm sorry that may not be of much help, maybe somebody else may have some input. Let me know what you find out.

Will do Don. Thank you for the info still
Ok maybe I miss read what you were asking. I was under the impression of a dominantly yellow female. But you are correct if it has the same markings then you are correct it's a female johanni. I think it's a not a bright yellow, I think more like a cinnamon or something. Sorry for the misunderstanding. You are correct.
Okay I've got two dwarf African cichlids and need to know what there color change is

Looks like a pelvicachromis pulcher. Color change could be stress......if its belly starts to get pink its spawn colors
I took the johanni male out. Along with the two green terrors ,4 African peacocks, and one of the two sucker fish I had in. I now have in my 75g 2 juvenile yellow labs 1 albino mellow natured pecock (that was bullied the hardest by the johanni), 6 small juvenile catfish(the black spotted ones with super tall dorsal fins) my breeding pair of dwarf African cichlids(that I don't know the name of) and 3 convicts 2 of which appear to be close to breeding and 1 is half there size. I also added 2 nifty caves(which I hope they don't mind that I can see in both of them)


The dwarf is a kribensis (common name) and second look at pic looks like spawn colors
k.mascher86 said:
The dwarf is a kribensis (common name) and second look at pic looks like spawn colors

That is amazing to here! They've been acting extremely curious she "vibrates" or shakes her body and lifts hear head and he fallows and rubs agains her he is patient but persistent. I've only had these guys for 3 days! Extremely excited.. Now if I could just get my convicts to pick the opposite side of the tank to do there business
I could be wrong so dont take my word 100%, but sounds like they are getting ready
You might not be sure, but I'm 100% hoping you are right.. The breeding rituals and intelligence are the main two reasons for my switch from community/semi aggressive tank to and african south/central cichlids. Are kribensis open/mouth/cave brooders?

Correrct me if I'm wrong but convicts are open or cave brooders.. Right:)?
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