I've got clams !!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 21, 2003
Sunny Peoria Illinois
I removed a fairly large piece of live rock to seed a new refugium, and to my amazement I found a small colony of purple clams underneath. The little guys are maybe half an inch in diameter with a little opaque mantle (looks like a little tongue). I cannot believe that they survived underneath a rock with no light and probably very little circulation. I have kept reef tanks for years (I even owned a shop for 2 years) and I am still so amazed that after months of exploring every nook and cranny with a very powerful magnifying glass, I still find new things growing and thriving. I LOVE IT!! Does anybody have any info on these little guys?? I will try to take a pic, but they are in a spot that will be tough to get a good shot.
most clam identfication is done by the shape of the shell and if it has two syphons on the mantle or just 1.
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