jack dempsey acting funny

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 12, 2004
Hay guys, I got a jack dempsey about a month ago, and for the last few days its been acting funny. It will get up really close to plant or "building" I have in the tank and put its left or right side right up next to it and just sit there. I even took the "building" and moved it around when it was doing this, and the fish would just fallow right along and stay in the same position all the time.

Any ideas?
Well, the first thing to do anytime a fish is acting weird is to test your water, as in ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. If those levels show a stable, cycled tank then I would next look for illness in the fish. Anything on the fish like wounds, marks, fuzzy patches, evidence of parasites, anything? Does it eat?

The other thing is tankmates causing stress. Usually it is the JD who causes the stress, lol, but if there is insufficient cover or structures to make territories for each fish there might be trouble.
From the behavior you describe & the fact that you do not mention any other symptoms, I'm thinking your Jack Dempsey is getting the right hook from another fish. He may be attempting to claim a small piece of territory to call his own, while attempting to avoid the bully.

What other fish do you have in the tank?
I knew I should have said this before, but this is the only fish in the tank.

It has now placed its self on the bottom and the wedged inside a fake plant. If I had to guess it looks like its ready to give birth.
Okay that pretty much takes care of aggression issues, so how is water quality? Is the fish eating?
the water is great and it is eating fine

nitrite = 0ppm
nitrate = 20ppm
ammonia 0ppm

heres a pic of what it is doing when it puts its "side" up against the building
That is certainly weird! The only other thing I can think of is if he has something irritating in that spot, like a tiny parasite or something, he would rub up against an object to try to scrape the area, but usually that is a quick, "flashing" movement and they don't stay there.

I'm stumped :?
You're fish is just nervous. This is not unusual behavior at all for a Cichlid. If you want to know for sure, try this. Buy 4 ot 5 Giant Zebra Danios and add them to the tank. They will serve as a "dither" fish to make your Jack Dempsey feel more comfortable in his surroundings.

Yes, he may eat them... and I know many will consider this unethical advice... but it may also do the trick. What have you changed in the room your aquarium is in? Did you set up a Christmas tree? Buy a big screen TV? Buy a dog? Anything like this will make a Dempsey get skiddish.
Good advice - this fish is "wired" in his brain to deal with other fish constantly, so to be completely alone is disconcerting, no doubt. Congo tetras are another suggestion for dither fish, or even a school of tiger barbs.

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