jack dempsey

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They must be male and female, do you have pictures I could tell you. Mine have always pretty much kept to themselves. They are easily bred but become extremely aggressive. I wouldnt recommend any other tankmates.
well i dont have pictures but i can tell you that the big one is darker and its fins are darker

the little one however is lighter and has lighter fins
Well in my experience with jacks, they seem to change color with there mood. The male should have longer fins that come to a point. The female should have shorter more rounded fins. How big are your jacks.
well their size ranges from 3 to 5 inches and the biggest one has rounded fins while the smaller one has poited!!
according to your reply do you think having a male smaller than a female might cause a problem????????????
I am not sure if having a smaller male would be a problem. Theres only one way to find out, fatten them up and wait and see. What our fish do you have in the tank with them?
i stuck a african jewel cichlid in with them

so far its gone great

my plan was to focus all the agression to different fish instead of just one

i know that you should not mix african with american but i did it anyway!!!!

like i said the tank has been pretty peacefull!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well....once your dempsey's get large enough and start breeding, any other fish in your tank will be in danger. My uncle kept a single male dempsey, and that one killed all of his tankmates once he got to adult size, even though the tank he was in was HUGE (70-90g). Imagine the agression when trying to breed them!
I would recommend transferring your Dempsey's to the 60 gal you are getting, and don't keep any other fish with them. JMO
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