Jaguar Catfish

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Beautiful fish, I have only seen a few in my life. Theyre rarely bred in captivity, if they even are. So what you have to know is that they can get very teritorial so placing them with semi or agressive fish is a nono because of their smooth skin. This type of skin also renders them very sensitive to water conditions(such as juvenile knife fish) so keeping a well maintained matured tank is key. Tanks too hot will cause him to go in a stress mode and stop activity all together and try to aim for pH around 6.6-7.2 They dont grow too large, about 9inches in captivity and will pretty much eat whatever you give them although they have a sweeter taste for carnivorous treats. You could see them as the shy oscar type.

55 Gallon- Empty
125 Gallon- CKF and Tiger Oscar
220 Gallon- To come...
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