Java Fern...fernlets?

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Jason the Lost

Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 16, 2005
How long does it take usually for the new growing little plants to detach from the host plant. My spores started showing roots about 3 months ago and none have yet to detach.
All my fern look like they have beards as the underside of the leaves are literally COVERED in new growth.
Is this recommended?

I'm not being impatient really, just curious. If its better/safer to let them come off on their own, thats fine...the little guys have just been there forever it seems.
they can take ages to come off on their own, as our tanks don't have the same current strengths as natural rivers and lakes.

6 leaves and enough brown fuzzy roots to tie/staple/wedge down is my guideline.
I've done this so many times it boggles my mind. Sometimes I miss one and will find a new plantlet floating around or semi-attached/tangled in another plant. They all survive. :)
The wierd thing about my tank, the ferns I tied to driftwood don't do anything. The ones I stuck in the eco complete (90% of them) are budding like crazy. That in mind, I'm going to have a tough time planting them little guys.
If you have some river (or any rocks), you can tie them to those too. It's possible that you tied the roots too tight on the driftwood :?: The roots usually stretch out despite the activity of the plant. Take a look.
I actually have a fairly loose (but tight enough to hold it snug) rubberband holding the roots to the driftwood by the thicker rhyozhome and not the roots themselves...they've done nothing to attach themselves and it just kind of hangs out surviving.

The newer one I bought (which are a different three bladed leaf type java?) were also put in the eco complete and started budding about a month later and are now on par with the original single blade java's I had originally purchased (and planted).
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