Java fern nodules.....

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 7, 2012
My java fern is growing plenty of little nodules on the underside of its leaves. It has only been introduced to the tank only a few weeks ago and the idea was to get it to root it's self to my driftwood piece.
My understanding is that these nodules will grow and can be removed and grown as separate plants. Any advice on how to do this would be greatly appreciated but I would still like to encourage my original plant to grow on the driftwood.
Cheers in advance,


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jetajockey said:
You'll see them as they grow into little plantlets. Once they start getting roots on them they can be removed or they can just stay on there till they fall off on their own.

I see, I already have a few with roots on :) how do I encourage the small plantlets to grow once they have fallen off? I have a small fantail goldfish in the tank too, is he likely to eat them?
He might if they are small enough, but I've never kept the two together. As far as encouraging growth, you just treat the small ones like the parent plant, light/ferts and they are good to go.
jetajockey said:
He might if they are small enough, but I've never kept the two together. As far as encouraging growth, you just treat the small ones like the parent plant, light/ferts and they are good to go.

Thanks for the advice, it's much appreciated! :)
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