Java fern question and help

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 25, 2005
Flagstaff, AZ
need some troubleshooting help with my Java ferns and of course, this forum is the best place for help. Here is a quick rundown of my tank:

Setup: 10 gallon FW shrimp tank ( red cherries and green shrimp + 1 oto and a fair amount of pond snails) which has been up and running for 10 months. No algae problems and excellent water parameters.

Filtration: HOB Aquaclear with sponge filter over intake.

Substrate: Eco complete with small amount of gravel on top.

Lights: 2x15 watt compact fluourescent lights x 9 hours per day

temp: 76 degrees

Ferts: all Seachem Flourish products; excel, flourish, potassium, nirtogen, iron x 3 days per week and every water change (10 days or so).

Plants: Java moss, X-mas moss, Peacock moss, Java fern, Anubias (Nana and Coffeefolia), red and green Wendtii, dward sags, and moss balls, Windelov fern and anacharis

Here is the problem: All the plants flourish well except the Java fern which has never been as healthy as I expected. I always hear that Java fern is so easy to grow but I have terrible luck with it. For the first few months, the ferns grew slightly but nothing dramatic and never seemed to flourish. Now, for the last few months, I have noticed small pinholes, dull leaf color, transparency and missing pieces of leaf. Also, I have notice that new leaf seem to be affected more than the older, more mature leaves. I attribute the missing pieces to the pond snails but the underlying issues are still there. I would truly appreciate any help or tips on my situation. Please let me know if I forgot any additional information that may help! Thanks!
The first thing that I noticed is that you didn't list Phophates amoung the Ferts that you are dosing.

However the problem that you are describing sounds like Potassium Deficiency. I would up your Potassium dosing to see if that takes care of the problem.
I purchased a bottle of Seachem Phosphorus awhile back and I notice a quick outbreak of BBA when I started dosing. I stopped an the BBA went away. I haven't used it since but I'll try increasing the dose of potassium.
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