Java Fern question

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 10, 2009
I just started my first planted tank, a 10g low light, a few weeks ago. I have a java fern that has dark spots, kind of looks like dark rust stains, on the top third to half of 2 of the leaves. Other than that the plant is doing good. The color is good and it looks healthy, as far as I can tell. Could someone please tell me what this might be? The spots were on there when I got it but they have gotten larger over the last few weeks since I put it in the tank.
I have never kept Java Ferns, but I have heard that when they do that, they are creating another plant. Hopefully someone else will be able to tell you for sure but hopefully you will just have 2 java ferns soon!
This is very normal for java ferns. Like amesdrew said, it is how they reproduce. Eventually, on those leaves, little plantlets will grow that you can then separate from the main plant, and viola! 2 java ferns.

After they reproduce, you can trim off the older leaves... they wont reproduce again and they look ugly. By trimming them, you will make room for more new growth.
+1 I generally try to leave the babies attached to the mother plant until they're big enough to attach to something else.
How do you attatch the plant to something? I just stuck this one down in the substrate.
I have grown them both attached to driftwood/rocks, and grown them planted in substrate. So long as you don't bury them to deep in the gravel, they do fine planted in substrate.

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