Java Moss and Java Fern

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 2, 2005
I have a Mbuna tank and hear these are pretty much the only plants cichlids dont like and dont require a lot of work as ive never kept plants before and i want to make it as easy as possible. I have a few questions... my substrate is black tahitian moon sand but isnt very thick at all because i dont liek the look of a thick substrate and also the work accompanied by it as all the food and poop seems to get covered in the sand as my cichlids spit this stuff everywhere. I have about 25 lbs in a 55 gal would this be enough to keep these 2 plants very sparce. Also whgat else do you need for plants. thanks for the help!!
for most low light plants like java moss anfd fern, aswell as anubius and crypt species do not need alot of special treatment. Most of these dont even need to be burried in substrate either.

Vals can be kept with Mbuna species aswell.

All the plants besides the vals can just be tied to a rock and the will grow. Usually very slowly.

One member here keeps them in a beautifly planted tank with alot of sucess

here is a picture link
I'd be worried about the java moss. I don't know specifics for your species but most fish that pick on plants tend to avoid the tougher skinned variants such as java fern and anubias.
yea i would go with the java fern and/or anubias... most mbuna will eat java moss

i keep a couple ferns in my mbuna tank without any ferts and only .8 wpg...ferns grow slow, but they grow and the mbuna do not bother them

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