Java Moss Help

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 10, 2012
Newbie here...

Bought some Java moss today and its tied down to a piece of tile...should I cut the strings and tie it to a piece or driftwood or lay it on the substrate (sand)...Idk what to do and I would like it to grow. Please help.
It's up to you if you want it growing on your driftwood or on the sand. Depending on how much you have you can do both. :)
But should I cut it from the tile and lay it on the sand or leave it on the tile?
shutson06 said:
But should I cut it from the tile and lay it on the sand or leave it on the tile?

I would remove enough of the moss and tie it on the driftwood with (sewing) thread, as far as removing it from the tile I would. Lay it on your sand and poke it down just far enough in a few places so it stays in place and doesn't float.
Thanks everyone still a newbie and this 55 kinda is overwhelming
I used to have a lot, it grows quite fast! Pretty soon you will be trimming it :) And I think it looks best on drift wood
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