JBJ Formosa Lighting

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 22, 2003
Gallatin TN
Anyone have experience with the Formosa Deluxe PC strips. I liked the fact that I could get 192 watts for my 46 gallon (4 watts/gallon) that I am converting to saltwater. The three cooling fans and the seperate switches to allow dawn/dusk control is a pull. At a little over $200, seems like a good deal, if it is a decent product. Any response would be helpful.
That is the unit I have. Get ready for a LOT of noise. After about a month of running, the fans get REALLY loud! I opened up the unit, and disconnected the wiring to the fans. Just too much noise.

Unit never gets too hot, and doesn't transfer any additional heat to the water. I don't know why they put three fans on there. I got the 24" Deluxe model, not sure if the fan is required on the bigger ones, but it is NOT needed on the 24" one.

I also have the jbj lights. The fans can run a little loud but mine only do it during startup. Even then a little 3 in 1 or wd-40 put directly on the back of the fan and dried before placing back on the aquarium took most of the noise away. Overall I am more than happy with my lights and the dusk feature is great!!!! Good luck with the tank!
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