Jedi's 12g Planted (PICTURES!)

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 29, 2009
Cambridge, MA. USA
Stage 1 (as of June 16th 2009)






You can see larger versions of these pics here on flickr.
The driftwood is really nice. The sword will get a lot bigger you will probably end up switching it out once it starts taking a good hold.
looks good. what else are you planning?

I have a couple more java ferns on the way as well as a bit more Pelia that I plan to work in and around the center piece of driftwood.

I've been asking around for some smaller rocks-- figure I'll play with the design a bit.

I'd like to have Red Cherry Shrimp along with some non-aggressive small fish.
Nice start.A shoal of small tetra's will look good.Is that one of them red sea venturi pumps in there?
Nice start.A shoal of small tetra's will look good.Is that one of them red sea venturi pumps in there?

It's the Red Sea CO2 bio kit.

I was going to go DIY but I thought the 2-liter bottle was ugly so picked that up. So far, so good.

I got my black background on today after a quick trip to a local art store. More plants coming tomorrow.. then I'll update pics.
Yeah i have one also worked good for me. i used on my 45 and 90
I've been using that kit since day 1 so it's hard for me to say what my progress would have been like without it. All the plants have been very healthy - especially the Java Ferns which have been reproducing like rabbits.
It's relatively cheap, clean, and easy to use - I'd say give it a shot if you're running a <40g tank.
agreed. if you are lookin for some tips i would add some foreground plants (groundcover)
agreed. if you are lookin for some tips i would add some foreground plants (groundcover)

I've been trying to find a good plant for that. I was hoping the Pelia I got would take off and that I'd be able to use it in that way but I'm finding it is a very slow grower.

My tank is low-light - what would work best for ground cover that won't cost me a fortune?
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