Johanni that owns the tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 15, 2003
Chicago, IL

I have a johanni that thinks he owns the tank. I have one about 4-5" long johanni and three small (about 3" long) bright orange cichlids. The johanni constantly chases the small fish around until they hide up towards the top by the filter outlet and the heater areas. I try to re-arrange the tank over and over but nothing works! I have about 5 plastic plants, three lava rocks, a broken pot, and two bubble walls. I have a feeling that people are going to recommend more rocks...but it just seems like these past couple of days, the johanni has been really agressive and out of it's mind! Any ideas or suggestions? I don't have a QT tank so I can't really seperate him and give him time-out time.

I was thinking of finding some rocks somewhere by my house, clean them up, and make a wall in the middle of the tanks. Although, that would time some time and effort... Anybody else have any ideas? Do you think I can give him back to the LFS? I've had him for about two to three months.

you could make some caves that the little oragne cichlids can hide in and have then entrance too small for the johanni too fit threw, add a lot of rock work and put in some drift wood too create more territorys.
Call the lfs and ask. They may take him back. You prob won't get your money back, but if your sweet talk em you might get some store credit. If they won't call some other lfs you think would take good care of him.
Without knowing the size of the tank it's hard to say; anything smaller than a 40 gallon and it won't matter how many rocks you add- there isn't going to be enough territory for the johannii. They do better in tanks of at least 50 gallons and in groups of at least eight.

I'd suggest trying to take him back to the shop.
tank size

Woops, I guess that might be what my problem is. :-( I have a 29 gallon tank. When I was at the LFS, the worker said that the johanni isn't that bad, and then a customer said that the johanni's were. Maybe I'll try to take the johanni back and maybe get a store credit or something...i hope!

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