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Aquarium Advice Regular
Apr 16, 2008
I have started the cycle in my tank. I got the ammonia level up to about 4. I hate comparing the tube to the little card thingy. I always second guess myself as to which color it's closer to. Now we wait....
What are you using for a source of ammonia? Fish or pure ammonia? Sounds like you're on the right track. How about your nitrItes? Good luck and keep us updated!
I have started the cycle in my tank. I got the ammonia level up to about 4. I hate comparing the tube to the little card thingy. I always second guess myself as to which color it's closer to. Now we wait....

I also hate trying to guess what color my water is to the card. I have to ask my sister or boyfriend what color it looks like to them.
I do the same for ammonia, but NitrAtes and nitrItes are much easier to distinguish.. I lost a fish to old age (prolly around 8-9 yrs old) and I tested the tank right after finding him. I asked my fiance and all 3 of his dinner guest what color they thought the ammonia test really was
I do the same for ammonia, but NitrAtes and nitrItes are much easier to distinguish.. I lost a fish to old age (prolly around 8-9 yrs old) and I tested the tank right after finding him. I asked my fiance and all 3 of his dinner guest what color they thought the ammonia test really was
LOL I have to agree, the ammonia has to be the hardest to read. I think my boyfriend is tired of me asking all the time what color it is.
I'm using pure ammonia. Just started yesterday so I'm not testing for nitrites yet. Gotta wait until the ammonia starts coming down.

I ask my wife and kids which color they think it's closest to and majority rules. My kids like it because then they get to be involved. My wife will probably get tired of it soon.
I had a time when my tank was cycled, I had tested the tap water and everything showed zero ammonia. Then for some reason a couple weeks later my tank/tap even bottled water showed slight ammonia. I'm not sure if it was the lighting or I think maybe I used that tube previously for nitrite ad left it sit in there for too long and it stained the tube? Not sure but that was strange and never read of anyone else having that issue.
I had a time when my tank was cycled, I had tested the tap water and everything showed zero ammonia. Then for some reason a couple weeks later my tank/tap even bottled water showed slight ammonia. I'm not sure if it was the lighting or I think maybe I used that tube previously for nitrite ad left it sit in there for too long and it stained the tube? Not sure but that was strange and never read of anyone else having that issue.

That is strange. I did accidentally left my ammonia test in the tube and now it is kind of stained. Is there a way to clean test tubes out?
acetic acid is the other way of cleaning chemicals off glassware. If soap doesn't work, acetic acid usually does (ask any college chemistry lab). Therefore, for go steal some nail polish remover and swirl a bit.
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