Just set-up my aquarium.

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 19, 2005
South Dakota
I just set-up my 10 gallon aquarium and I was wondering how long I should wait before I put fish in it?

I have heard 24hrs but I am not sure.
Welcome to AA!

24hours will definitely not be enough. Denitrifying bacteria has to be established in the tank first, that take the fish and other organic waste and detoxify it. If you put your fish in right away they will most certainly die.

Here is a good article you could read to understand more:

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask :wink: .
Don't put fish in just yet! You have to cycle your tank before you can put fish in. Welcome to AA :band: ! I have a ton of homework to do :( so I can't explain cycling and such right now but I'm sure someone else can help you out.

Edit: Hey, what do you know, someone posted before me with some good info!
The above mention article is a great resource. Ignore the saltwater part works for fresh as well. You can use pure ammonia no surfecants or detergents added. It is a lot easier and a less of a mess that way instead of the shrimp. Ace Hardware sells it it.
Do a search on google and learn as much as you can about the "Nitrogen Cycle" This is your basis for having a happy healthy aquarium.
IF you have an old filter THATS STILL RUNNING ON AN OLD TANK then trow it on the new tank and you should be good to go within a few hours other wise your gunna have to wait a good week+ sometimes a month before your tank will be haabitable for fishes.
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