Just want to make sure.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Dec 31, 2011
I went to the LPS today and the plastic bag came with the fish that i ask and a fry lol.
So I feed my fish every other day and i think thats not going to be appropriately to feed the fry every other day, so i picked a small plastic box, and maked wee holes in the back to the air from the filter flow better on it.
Is it better for me to keep him in the box and feed him everyday or just keep him with the other fishes feeding every other day?My fear is to throw the food and he dont see it or something.
Just my black molly and 1 red eye tetra were chasing him once, but nothing to worry me too much, he got alot spaces to hide, but he just stays in the top and ive no fry food -.- ...
So tell me your opinion!! :)
And here are some pics to show you how i did it

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