Juvenile bichir died

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 28, 2020
I bought a juvenile bichir around 3” . First 5 days everything was good but suddenly it died , found it floating and with red belly .
What happen with it?
So sorry to hear your fish died.

Very probably ammonia poisoning.

Check out the article link in my signature about water and tank keeping. Very useful and critical information especially for creating and keeping a tank cycled.

Water quality is so very important to the hobby of fish keeping.

What size tank did you have and what type of filter?
All parameters are ok
Aquarium completely cycle amd ammonia flat.
That tank is a year old with water check every two weeks to stay on top of it . Ph a little low . Salt was added a little bit with water changes on the past but it’s been a while since the last time. It’s a albino senegal bichir
Then it seems it should have adapted. Was there any fish in the tank before you added the Bichir?

The body with a red belly would seem like maybe internal infection killing it, if the water parameters were not toxic with Ammonia, NitrIte or Nitrate. An if you only had if for around 5 days it could have been ill from the petstore.

Did any other fish you had, if you indeed had any others in the tank, get sick or die?

What size was the tank and what kind of filter?
There’s a few guppies without any signs of illness.
HOB filter , 30 gallons tank
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