K rating for planted tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 6, 2006
Paradise, CA
I've raised orchids under lights for years and always used 5500-6500k lights. I've seen some T5 HO lights for my aquarium that are 12000k and are a good deal. Will aquatic plants use the 12000k or should I be looking at the same kelvin rating as for regular plants?
I'm really interested to know if any of you have used the two different ratings and what your experiences were.
12000k will be fine. I use both on my tanks. The 12000k will look more blue and white, where the 6500k is more yellow. But both are good bulbs for our uses. The only thing that matters is how it looks to you, whether you like the blue/white end or the more yellow end. Just comes down to personal preference.
Also, the spectral variances in a bulb will affect growth in certain ways...the more red in the bulb (say 4500-5000k) will tend to create more 'stringy' long growth in many plants. Personally, I use a lot of the Corallife Aqualight dual T-5 units, which come equipped with a 10,000K and an actinic.
In most terrestrial plants, the 'red' wavelength will stimulate blooming. It simulates the long days of late summer and fall with the sun coming at more of an angle. In many light sources, this is in the 3500-4500k range.
Is there any sources that show aquatic plant growth and light spectrums? I thought the 12000k would be more blue, which is what's being said here, but I also thought that range would not be very useful in stimulating plant growth. I've never seen or heard of it being used for terrestrial plant growth and I'm wondering if aquatic plants are different.
12000k is more blue, yes. But it's also a good plant bulb as well. I currently have a 65W 6700k bulb over my 26G planted, a 50/50 10000k and actinic over my 29G planted, and a combo of lights over my 75G, and all my plants are doing well. I just have to overcome the algae problem in my new 29G. but I'm getting a handle on it. But yes, you are correct, the 12000k is more blue. And it is useful in planted aquaria.
as soon as the light hits the water the whole wave spectrum or what ever changes, so,, what ever, try it if it works for you awsome. but for me I will stick with what the pros use and recomend which is in the 5000 to 8000k range.
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