kH for tiger barb tank?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
May 23, 2010
New Delhi, India, though true residence is Bangkok

I am about to introduce 7 tiger barbs into my 35 gallon tank. The kH after testing is showing at 3. Is that too low or do I need to raise it? I plan to get more tiger barbs and may be 1 red-tailed shark or similar fish. I am working towards a Southeast Asian stream biotope, though it is definitely a work in progress.

I also have 9 Java ferns and 5 small Cryptocorynes in the tank. Any advice is much appreciated.

That will be fine. You can raise it a little but it won't be necessary as long as it stays at about that amount.
Welcome to AA! As far as I know most fish can handle stuff like hardness and pH as long as it is stable, unless you got something sensitive like a discus. I could be wrong though, so maybe someone else can jump in if I am. I do think they will be ok since barbs are generally pretty hardy fish.

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