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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 17, 2003
These guys are expensive! I saw them on the internet. It says they can go with angels but I would like to know if anyone here has them and can share some expertise. I have a 29gal, temp between 80-82 degrees, and a 6.5 PH. Any info would be nice. I'm having a hard time researching them. I can be sold anything so I need someone to be honest thats why I want to ask you and not sales people.

Also can anyone tell me what these KUDOs mean in the left corner of the screen?
With all the types of killifish available, it's really hard to generalize about them. Some require soft, acidic water; some prefer hard and alkaline conditions. Some killies are annuals and only live for 11-15 months, while others can live for years.

With that being said, there are lots of killies that'd enjoy your water. I'm not sure how compatible they'd be with angels, though.

Are there any specific types of killies you're interested in?

They are great fish! Very interesting. I think they would be fine in a community tank. They aren't very agressive. Whatever you do MAKE SURE THE TANK IS COVERED as they readily jump out of the tank!
They are very cool but very difficult to find in a store.

I saw some Golden Wonder killies in a LFS a couple of weeks ago. Very cool! :D I'm thinking of putting one in with my rams, as they inhabit different parts of the tank and I think would do okay together. They had some Florida Flagfish, too (another type of killie) but I suspect there might be some territorial issues with these and the rams.
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