killing gourami

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Here Fishy Fishy

Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Mar 30, 2011

So in the last three or four weeks I have killed 3 gourami. I am not a new tank owner, I have had several large and small tank with a variety of fish but never gourami. The first two were Pearl Gourami. I got them together and they seemed fine for a few weeks. I started treating the tank for a different issue with some new tetra. Two days later the first of the Pearls died. The second died two days later. I am still convinced that the Melafix played a roll in those deaths...... Then a few weeks later I decided to try my hand with a powder blue dwarf. I got him on Saturday. He seemed fine swimming around and such....I found him dead on Friday morning.... the two Pearls lost color and were very lethargic a day or two before dying... the Powder Blue did not loss color at all. He seemed some what lethargic the night before and all of the gourami seemed disinterested in food. All other fish are fine.. very active and love feeding time. I feed every other day and alternate between tropical flake and a mix of blood worms and brine shrimp. All water stats look good they stay pretty much the same: Nitrates less than 20 to 0, Nitrites 0, total hardness 75, chlorine 0, alkalinity 80, ph 7.3-7.7. ammonia 0. I do frequent small water changes.

tank is 45G tall, Stock 8 neon tetra, 8 Harlequin, 4 bleeding hearts, 2 sword tails, 1 sailfin molly, 6 small cory's, 1 small lep. pleco, 2 snails, 2 small dwarf frogs, 1 bamboo shrimp, 4 amano shrimp.

Any ideas on what i am doing wrong?? Or are gourami just that hard to keep?? I really liked the two pearls and would like to get two more but want to understand why they died first.... Any ideas???
No, I got the pearls at one store and then a little after they died I got the DG at a diff. LFS. I have heard a lot of mixed reviews on the Dwarf G. A lot of people saying the die often and w/out notice but i have not heard that about the Pearls.
Unfortunately, dwarf gourami are one of those fish that have been so overbred that they seem to be ultra-sensitive. They've bred too many diffrerent variations of dwarf gourami (honey dwarf, powder blue dwarf, etc) which caused this phenomina.

GBRs have suffered the same fate.
I don't know about the pearl gouramis, but I have a Dwarf Flame Gourami, and he is doing pretty good. They are however very overbred and sensative like James said. The dwarfs actually have a disease, Dwarf Gourami Disease/Iridovirus, that is often their killer.
Pearl gourami are not a difficult fish to keep IMO. You could have just gotten a bad batch. Dwarf gourami tend to give folks a lot of trouble as James in MN mentioned. BTW, it is worth mentioning IMO that the honey gourami (Colisa chuna) is a different species altogether than the dwarf gourami (Colisa lalia).

Pearl gourami are a joy to keep and quite beautiful when mature. If you can try some from a different shop, that would probably be the way I would go. :)
I picked up a pair of female Opaline today. We'll see how it goes. If they do good I will pick up a new pair of Pearls and give up on the Dwarf. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
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