koi not eating

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 23, 2012
Hello everyone, I am stumped? my koi are not eating much they are sluggish looking at foot and are hiding in the plants , no predators have been around my pond has a net over it all water testing is fine, no algae issues, only 7 fish in a 4500 gal pond,40 inches deep in center, a month ago we has a heat wave and nor it has cooled off a bit but still 80 in the day upper 50s at night but it has been this way for 10 days, I have a skimmer , a filter , a bottom drain, a pump to push water from side to side, they were fine all spring and early summer, the just hang under the plants all day, I have a lot of plants and was wondering if there is to many plants?, any ideas would help, thank you
welliknow with my moms pond her koi always hide during the sun of the day. try going out early when the sun come up and see how active they are. floating plants are good for shade for them as long as it dosent cover the whole pond. the will lay there eggs in the roots of the floating plants also. i also took 3- 4x4 and lattice and built a wall on the side the sun came up on and grew flowery vines on it to block some sun .
Hi Bob thanks for the info I do go out very early before the sun and it is the same thing, but funny you mention the to many plants thing 85% of my pond is covered with Hyacintha plants and i was wondering if that's to much I have been taking some out over the last few days 360 to be exact and see if that works, what do you think of the to many plant thing
with just a few fish it dosent need that many floating plants. when they get bigger they will need a little more cover. i never let my moms get over 1/2 covered. are your food pellets small enough for them to eat
hi Bob a few of my koi are 27 inches long, some 17 long but only 7 of them, I feed them pellet size, the size of a pencil head eraser , and they were fine with this size, in the spring they laid millions of eggs that I took out (plants) put them in my vat and now have baby's in the vat about 30, so my large koi were fine until now
thanks again
Id try some organic, rinsed Greens or Veggies. Romaine or Zucchini. I know there are methods to feed Pond fish. I know how to secure food in Tanks. Shell some frozen/thawed green Peas.

See if they'll take them.

What temp is the water ?? If its too warm, there is less oxygen and they may be acting lethargic due to low oxygen. Is there anything to agitate the surface of the water ?
I will try the romaine , I do not know the water temp air is 80 days 50's at night for the past 10 days, but before that it was in the mid to upper 90's for 8 days, they seem timid and hide under the plants, no predators so it can't be that
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