Krib Pair in Community tank?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 24, 2011
I'm thinking about getting a pair (m/f) of Kribs for my Community tank. I've been reading how they can get very aggressive during breeding.

My plan is to get some Cichild stones and create them a haven in my tank and block line-of-sight around their fortress.

I can give them their own corner of the tank.

With that said, I've got a 150 gal. 48"L x 24"W x 30" Tall

It's heavily planted. Here's my current inventory.

1 Snakeskin Gourami Female
1 Pearl Gourami Female
2 Gold Gourami Female
1 Blue Gourami Male (not aggressive)
1 Paradise Gourami Male (not aggressive)
5 Bala Sharks
1 Placo
1 Spotted Raphael Catfish (never see)
2 Cory
5 Albino Tiger Barbs
25 Neon Tetras
4 Serpae Tetra
1 Glo Yellow something
2 GBR (paired)
1 Bolivian Ram

Trying to find out if this would be a mistake. Right now my tank is very peaceful. I would be open to a second smaller tank.

I don't think you'd have a prayer with any krib fry surviving, but my kribs did well in a community. They're all bark, no bite.
I don't think you'd have a prayer with any krib fry surviving, but my kribs did well in a community. They're all bark, no bite.

Hi Lynda,
I was kind of figuring that too. Makes we want to setup a second species or breeding tank for situations like this. I could throw my GBR's in there when they start cleaning places to spawn.

Thank you! :)
Kribs spawn about once a month, whether they have surviving fry or not. That's a whole lotta moving around, if you ask me.

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