Kribs & Tiger Barbs?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Aug 6, 2011
Houston, Texas
I have an empty 20g tall that needs fish!! :)
Am planning on this being a very low tech planted tank & as far as stocking goes I'd like 1 Pr Kribs, 8-10 Tiger Barbs & some Nerites & Ghost Shrimp. Am thinking Barbs could handle a breeding pr of Kribs so that takes care of top, mid & bottom levels. And some Ghost Shrimp & Nerites because I need some sort of "clean up crew" that will work with Kribs & not compete with their bottom level space (will have filtration for 30g). I've always wanted to try Tiger Barbs and am thinking this would be a good combo & help with the fry population when the time comes as well. Thoughts??
It's not gonna work in a 20 tall in a 20 long maybe. I would only do a krib pair in a 20 tall though.
Why is a 20g too small for only 10 Tiger Barbs?
20g tall tank foot print too small for 1 PR of Kribs? What's the difference in the foot print size between the tall & long?
The 20 tall is good for a krib pair. The 20 tall is only 24 inches the 20 long is 30 inches long. The tiger barbs need a longer tank they are very active and Ned extra swimming space.
Thanks for the info!! Would 5 Tiger Barbs work, maybe? If not, any suggestions on some sort of dither fish that could handle the Kribs Dr Heckle & Mr Hyde personalities? I always liked the Tiger's frisky but non lethal behavior & their color!
I wouldn't do it in a 20 tall I would just do a krib pair with no tankmates. Or you could go for a community setup with a different type of barb like cherrys.
Just trying to understand your reasoning here. May need to trade my tank & stand for the long version for I can have enough room! :)
I successfully kept a breeding pair of Angels in this tank without any other tank mates. The Angel's I understand being alone together but not the Krib's. The Krib's are terrors when breeding & raising fry like most Cichlids but are less than half the size of the Angel fish, that's why I was just going with them and a pretty fast type of dither fish. Some years back I had a pair breeding in a 29g tank and they didn't claim even half of the tanks foot print, that's why I was thinking I could use my 20g tall.
Well the thing is its not really about the kribs in the 20 tall that's the issue. It's the tiger barbs they are very active and need swimming space. I think you could possibly do kribs and maybe zebra danios in a 20 tall.
If you like the look if tigers? Try hexazona(5 banded) barbs, 8 or do could prob hang with kribs? What do you think j?
That's pretty ironic about the Tiger Barbs; I picked them because they're a top-mid level fish that's spunky, colorful, active & fun. I thought they'd be a really good tank mate for the Kribs. Just didn't know they need room like they do! I always prefer color when possible, so the 5 Banded Barbs sound really good but I worry they may not be hardy enough of a fish to handle the Kribs? Any other suggestions for a dither fish in a tank this size with Kribs as tank mates?
I would suggest a Danio species. Look into a pearl Danio or zebra danios.
Any other suggestions? :) I love Zebra Danio's but I always seem to end up with them in my tank and I was trying to avoid them if I can.
Thank you again for all of your time & help today!!
I would suggest a Danio species. Look into a pearl Danio or zebra danios.
celestial pearls? Prob not so much with aggressive fish, zebras would work for sure.. I have my hexazona's with apisto's and they can hold their own..
I agree, they're gonna need more space if you plan on using that tank, but as far as the fish match ups themselves, you should be good - Tigers tend to be able to hold their own considering they are a community fish.
Thank all of you so much for your help today!! :)
I think I'll just seriously look into trading my 20g tall for a 20g long locally or possibly a 29g. Seems easier just to get a different aquarium and this way I can still get some Barbs with the Kribs. :) Any idea if the Kribs will munch on Ghost Shrimp?
Thank all of you so much for your help today!! :)
I think I'll just seriously look into trading my 20g tall for a 20g long locally or possibly a 29g. Seems easier just to get a different aquarium and this way I can still get some Barbs with the Kribs. :) Any idea if the Kribs will munch on Ghost Shrimp?

If the ghost shrimp are smaller and the Kribs are a but bigger, then there is always the chance - I'd be more worried about the Tigers once they get bigger.
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